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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

23rd Jan 2020
We have been exploring our cutting skills in nursery over the last few weeks. The...
23rd Jan 2020
Term two board games have started and P.4 & P.5 are all set to win!
23rd Jan 2020
We had a visit from a nurse today as part of our helping hands topic. We saw lots...
22nd Jan 2020
A highlight this week was sharing the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.  The...
22nd Jan 2020
Primary 2, enjoy ordering the jumbled numbers.
22nd Jan 2020
We have been learning lots of recognisable pieces of music. Here is one to enjoy! 
22nd Jan 2020
This morning we had a lovely time with our friends from St. Brigid’s learning...
22nd Jan 2020
It is the year of the rat for Chinese New Year and both P2 classes had a lovely...
22nd Jan 2020
This week we made a tasty dinner-Fully Loaded Baked Potatoes. Not only did we cook...
22nd Jan 2020
We have been given some puzzles to investigate. We know that in an investigation...