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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

11th Sep 2019
The children enjoyed an Activity Based Learning session this morning. The Literacy...
11th Sep 2019
P2s have been revising their phonics and practising their handwriting. They are...
11th Sep 2019
The children in P3K were busy bees yesterday in Numeracy. We were learning how to...
11th Sep 2019
The children in P3 were revising how to find good spaces in the hall. They found...
11th Sep 2019
After lunch we had a good look around all the apple trees near our playground. We...
10th Sep 2019
When the sun has been out, we have been looking after our vegetable plot in which...
10th Sep 2019
the children had a fun afternoon complimenting each other. It is important that...
9th Sep 2019
We have had a very busy first week in Primary 1. Learning to write our names is...
6th Sep 2019
Since we came back in August, P5BE have been revising their 2x and 5x tables using...
6th Sep 2019
Today we were learning about abstract space artist Peter Thorpe and used his work...