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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

6th Sep 2019
Here are some photographs of the children hard at work in their first full week...
6th Sep 2019
This week in English we designed, produced and wrote some postcards from destinations...
6th Sep 2019
In class we have been making sure sure that everyone remembers their numbers. We...
6th Sep 2019
P7 have been working with large numbers up to hundreds of thousands and how they...
5th Sep 2019
Basic Maths facts and times tables are so important, especially in P7, as the children...
5th Sep 2019
As part of our new topic, "Prove it", we have been out today searching for evidence...
5th Sep 2019
This week we have been doing lots of work on numbers 1 to 10 - whiteboard games,...
5th Sep 2019
So the boys and girls had their first P.E. Lessons of P6 and were surprised to hear...
5th Sep 2019
We are all settling well into our new classroom, take a look at all our big smiles.....
4th Sep 2019
Primary 6, enjoyed reading a selection of postcards from faraway places.  We...