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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2021/2022 School Year

21st Sep 2021
We are very proud of this group of Ballykeel pupils, who spotted local lady Julie...
21st Sep 2021
We have had a super time at Power Hour. We did some dancing on Go Noodle, some phonics...
20th Sep 2021
Ashton is our role model of the week for excellent work in numeracy! Well done!
17th Sep 2021
Summer is our role model this week for always trying her very best. Mrs Holmes is...
17th Sep 2021
Cody is this week’s Role Model. He always tries his best in class, participates...
17th Sep 2021
Drake is our Role Model of the Week. Drake has been a very kind boy and has been...
17th Sep 2021
Our role model of the week is Kaylee Law.  Kaylee came up with super ideas...