Access Keys:

Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

19th Mar 2020
In this post your will find a series of videos showing how to access certain websites/programmes...
18th Mar 2020
While we did not have the chance to go to Woodhall for our residential, Woodhall...
18th Mar 2020
Last week in class we were using numicon to help us count to 7. We were great at...
18th Mar 2020
To help us learn fractions, we used pancakes to help us find a half then a quarter....
16th Mar 2020
Primary 3 enjoyed a couple of sessions in the PE hall using the gymnastics apparatus....
16th Mar 2020
We learned all about St. Patrick on our trip to St. Brigid’s. We listened...
16th Mar 2020
We had a really fun afternoon with Gillian from Jo Jingles. She did all sorts of...