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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

13th Mar 2020
The P2s have been learning their capitals by matching them up using clothes pegs....
13th Mar 2020
We have been looking at things that change in the world around us.We have learned...
13th Mar 2020
We found out about life on the farm.
13th Mar 2020
We passed at least one AR quiz this week!
12th Mar 2020
The annual BPSFA 5 a side tournament took place at Antrim Forum today.  While...
12th Mar 2020
We really enjoyed using the apparatus in P.E. today. We explored lots of different...
12th Mar 2020
We had another session on the apparatus this week which all the children really...
12th Mar 2020
P4T learning about rhythm using a Bob Marley track!
11th Mar 2020
Primary 7, had a fantastic day at Stormont. We debated the need for school uniform,...
11th Mar 2020
This week the children have been developing their knowledge of telling the time...