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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

19th Dec 2019
P5BE brought in some Christmassy props and had fun turning themselves into Snowglobes....
19th Dec 2019
The school Carol Service took place this morning in Ballykeel Presbyterian Church....
19th Dec 2019
We have been looking at the evidence relating to the Titanic disaster and discussed...
19th Dec 2019
Well done to Evie Henry who won our Rudolph's Raffle. To do this she had to get...
19th Dec 2019
Throughout December the children have been receiving a different book every day...
19th Dec 2019
We had a great time at our party and all our names were on the 'nice list' so Santa...
19th Dec 2019
As you may remember, the children were asked to write a Christmas story earlier...
19th Dec 2019
The P4s have created new superheroes who have lots of super powers! They plannned...
19th Dec 2019
We had a great party afternoon with lots of games and fun, finished off with a visit...
19th Dec 2019
We visited the church to watch the primary six and seven children in their Carol...