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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

18th Sep 2019
We enjoyed using Cuisenaire to investigate different ways to make 10 and then 20.
18th Sep 2019
We have continued to learn more about ourselves this week and we have really enjoyed...
18th Sep 2019
This week we have been learning about 2D shapes. We have enjoyed played games with...
18th Sep 2019
Over the past week, the children have been painting paper plates and making their...
18th Sep 2019
Primary 7, wrote fantastic poems about 'The best part of me!'.
17th Sep 2019
Our first day at Code Club was very exciting as the children were all introduced...
17th Sep 2019
Monday 30 th September 2019    6.00 – 7.00pm “Switched...
17th Sep 2019
P2 were delighted to see Simon and Jess again from Coaching for Christ. We had fun...
17th Sep 2019
The children practiced moving benches safely in groups of 6! Once our benches were...
17th Sep 2019
We have been learning about the colours red, blue and yellow. Then we mixed the...