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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2018/2019 School Year

16th Nov 2018
P5 had lots of fun today pretending to be cavemen. We have been discovering about...
16th Nov 2018
As part of our 'Prove It' theme, this week we have been looking at Stone Age Cave...
16th Nov 2018
The boys and girls in P7H were working in pairs today, using trial and...
16th Nov 2018
In class we have been talking about being a good friend and respecting others. We...
16th Nov 2018
Today we had our first circle time. We talked about how to be kind to others. We...
16th Nov 2018
The School Choir are hard at work learning some new pieces and traditional carols...
16th Nov 2018
We discussed how we could respect others and what a good friend should be like.We...
16th Nov 2018
as it is Anti-Bullying Week, the children have been talking about the importance...
16th Nov 2018
A fantastic number of parents came to our information morning on Thursday. At this...
16th Nov 2018
No need to rush out to the chippy for a burger-we are experts at making them....