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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2021/2022 School Year

10th Jun 2022
Well done Katie on your super achievements in Sports day! ⭐️
10th Jun 2022
Faith is our role model for the second time this year. She is such a well behaved...
10th Jun 2022
Our role model of the week is Jacob! Jacob has worked so hard in class and is super...
10th Jun 2022
Gabriella is our Role Model of the Week. Gabriella has been very settled in class...
10th Jun 2022
This week our Role Model is Alex. Alex has read and read and read and has reached...
10th Jun 2022
Layla is our role model for lots of reasons. She is extremely well-mannered, kind...
10th Jun 2022
Noah is our Role Model of the Week for working very hard this week on his handwriting...
10th Jun 2022
Our role model this week is Hannah as she is always very well behaved.  She...