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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Golden Class

5th Oct 2017

The school has introduced a new positive behaviour strategy called the ‘Golden Class.’

The idea behind this is that individual pupils, groups or whole classes can be rewarded for good behaviour by being presented with a Golden Ball (about the size of a ping pong ball) by Mrs Sheeran, Mr Fisher or Mrs Thompson.  Each classroom has a special glass jar to store / display the balls that have been earned.  The idea is that the class with the most golden balls at the end of each month will win the title ‘Golden Class’ and get a whole week off written homework as a reward (P3-7 classes.)  P1 and P2 classes will get extra play time as their prize.

Golden balls can be won for all sorts of good behaviour e.g. lining up quietly and respectfully, using good manners, making improvements in the quality and standards of work, a whole class wearing correct uniform etc. HOWEVER, a Black Ball can also be presented to a pupil, or pupils, for negative behaviours too!  If a black ball is acquired, this is the equivalent of getting a minus point.

Thankfully, very few black balls were given out during September (only 2 in the whole school!) so let’s hope this continues!  The winning classes for September, with each winning 13 balls, were P7BM, P3LK, P2AS & P2JT. Well done!