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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Important Note for Parents

5th Feb 2019




Dear Parent/Guardian,

I am writing to inform you that, following consultation with parents, and in order to make things easier for you, the teaching staff, and the office staff, we are making the following changes in relation to how we collect money:

Monday is the day on which all money is to be brought into school - this will include dinners as usual (for P.1 to P.3 children), those on the bus in the morning as usual, milk, swimming (see point below regarding swimming), trips, purchase of money wallets and homework folders etc

The only exception to the above could be if there is a non uniform day on a day other than Monday, charity collections (e.g. Poppy Appeal), something that may come up last minute eg a trip, or the selling of ballot tickets. (We will always keep you informed of exceptions)

Children who attend the breakfast club and/or go to the canteen for their morning break, and P4-P7 children taking dinners will continue to pay that directly to the canteen every day.


P.4 to P.7 classes go swimming once a year for one term. We will give you notice, well in advance, of when we will be collecting the full amount for the term. Depending on school holidays this is usually between 8 – 13 weeks, £1.50 per week, £12 to £19.50 (plus a refundable £1 for the locker).

Parents in P.4 Mrs Thompson, P.7 Mrs Gregg and P.7 Mr Hughes, your children will be swimming in the shorter 3rd term (April to June 2019), 8 weeks, £12.50 plus £1.00 for the locker. We will be collecting this on Monday 8th April, but will of course remind you again well in advance and with a note the week before.

It would be really appreciated, and would make everything much easier, if all parents would work with us by reading all texts, notes, alerts from the Schools NI app and our website, taking very careful note of the content and sending the money required on the stipulated day. Perhaps getting into the habit every Sunday evening of thinking ‘Money Monday’ and checking if there is any money due into school would help you to remember.

Thank you for your continued support and co-operation, we are very grateful to the majority of our parents who always work with us. Please fill in the reply slip below (each of your children will have this letter, please do one for each) and return to your child’s teacher.

Many thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs S Sheeran


 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have read the above letter in relation to the collection of money on Monday.

I understand the need to read information carefully and support the school by sending in the correct money on the correct day/s.

Signed _________________________ Parent/Guardian of _________________ in P.____