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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

P4HR "Santa's Sleigh" creative writing

8th Dec 2020

Our class entered a creative writing competition. We had to write a short story entitled "Santa's Sleigh". The twist was that each child had to write a part of it, to contribute to a whole class story... without knowing what the previous parts of the story were about! They were only told the last line before theirs, and they had to continue it on.

The result is a really funny Christmas story, we really hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed creating it! Sit back, and enjoy reading it with a cup of tea and maybe even a mince pie to get you in the Christmas spirit. We've got our fingers crossed that we might hopefully win the competition - the winners will be announced in January!


Ps. Don't forget to ask your child which part they wrote!



Santa’s Sleigh

A Christmas Story by P4KH, Ballykeel Primary School

Santa sat back in his chair. The fire was burning brightly, making the room feel cosy and warm. He placed his feet up on the footstool and noticed that his big toe was sticking out through a hole in one of his socks. That’s going to need to be fixed, he thought to himself - and most definitely before I load the sleigh up with those wonderful gifts.

He asked Mrs Claus to sew it up. She got the sewing kit and started to sew up his sock while it was still on Santa’s foot. Santa let out a big “Ouch” because Mrs Claus jagged his big toe with the needle! Santa shouted at Mrs Claus “How am I going to get my sleigh packed if you’ve hurt my big toe?” Santa had a wonderful idea,he would get the elves Alfie and Patrick to help him load up his sleigh. Alfie and Patrick were two naughty elves. Santa told them to put one toy in at a time, but they put five in. Patrick and Alfie blamed the other elves so they wouldn’t get in trouble. Santa knew what the elves were doing, so he told them off for telling lies and trying to blame other elves. Santa’s orders were, “Those elves will not be allowed to pack!” He got Mrs Claus’s elves to help him. The best elf that Mrs Claus had was called Elf on the shelf. The elf made presents and helped pack them in the sleigh.

Santa went to fly the sleigh and noticed that he was one reindeer short. Santa forgot about the last reindeer. “Oh no,” said Santa. “I’m miles away from the North Pole, how am I suppose to get my reindeer back?” He only had 50 more places to go to to deliver presents. It would take hours to get back to the North Pole! Santa went into the chimney of a little boys house. When he went in he saw a very angry dog. He quickly dropped off all the presents and zoomed back up the chimney. Santa jumped back into his sleigh and the reindeer flew away into the night sky.

When Santa was on his way back to the North Pole, his reindeer went the wrong way. He then crashed into a big pole. He fell out of the sleigh and lost one of his reindeers, then he fell into a deep patch of snow. It was very hard for Santa to get himself out of the snow. Santa was shouting “Help!” and the reindeers helped him get out. He found the present, got back into his sleigh and went to a different country.


When he arrived in California he lost another present. He then had to go back to get the present. He found it then had to deliver it to a mansion for Rupert. Rupert saw Santa, Santa dropped the present, Rupert went over to the present and took it. Santa ran and hid behind the snowy tree, but the tree fell down! Santa quickly zoomed up the chimney. Rupert ran over to the tree. He heard a bang on the roof. He went out to investigate and saw Santa on the roof and smoke coming out the chimney! Santa’s pants burned and he had nothing to wear, so he had to go down the chimney and search for a pair of pants . The only pants he could find were small, pink pants. Santa went to put the pants on, but the pants ripped as they were too small. So he just continued his journey without pants on, hoping no one would see him!

He fell out of his sleigh on the way back to the North Pole and he landed in the ocean. A pirate saw Rudolph’s red nose and he rescued them. He saw it was Santa and he was a bit scared, as pirates are bad and he didn’t get any presents. Santa said thanks to the pirate and gave him some money. His sleigh was nowhere to be seen. Santa wandered how he was going to get home! Then Rudolph came to save him and Santa jumped on Rudolph’s back. Rudolph rode Santa back to the North Pole.


Mrs Claus was very mad at Santa because he had left the sleigh behind and she said “No cookies for you tonight!” Santa sneaked into the kitchen and got some cookies. Elfo the elf caught Santa sneaking the cookies. So Elfo put Santa on the naughty list. Santa found out he was on the naughty list and he was very naughty - instead of being nice he stole more cookies! Santa then felt bad that he was on the naughty list, so he was extremely nice to the elves to get back on the nice list. He helped the elves make the toys, then he went home put his feet up. He was glad that the hole on his sock was fixed. He went to bed and Mrs Claus fed the reindeers and put them to bed.

Mrs Claus went to bed too, and she hoped that next year she wouldn’t have to sew up any more socks! Happy Christmas!



Santa's Sleigh P4KH (8th Dec 2020) View download document