P4 learning in Term 2
Our new theme is ‘Through the Eyes of a Child’. This is a fun and interesting theme for term 2.
P4 will be learning about children in different countries; their language, culture and homes. We will have the opportunity to do some research on the Ipads and in the library. We will be able to write poems and creative stories about how other children’s lives compare to a typical child from Ballymena!
We will also learn about children in World War 2 and how they were affected by the war. We will think especially about evacuee children and their experiences during the war.
Literacy Focus:
- Continue work on handwriting. We have now started cursive writing.
-Explore a range of writing forms including – recount, letter writing and poetry.
- We will improve our use of Grammar- full stops, capital letters, alphabetical ordering, adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs.
- We will become familiar with reading and writing in the past and future tenses.
- We will learn the definition of adverbs and learn to incorporate them into our written work.
- Tricky words (there, they’re, their, two, to, too, we, we’re,)
- Read with more confidence and expression.
- In Comprehension activities we will focus on specific skills to improve our ability to answer with the correct information and in full sentences.
- Spell correctly and accurately.
Numeracy Focus:
- Revise and learn x2, x5 and x10 tables
- Continue to learn number facts up to 20
- Subtraction with exchanging up to 100
- Word problems
- Money – learning about coins and working out how much change is needed from £1 and progressing to £5
- Learn to identify fractions ½ ¼ ¾.
- Learn how to tell the time, using half past, quarter past and quarter to.
- Become confident with word problems.
Data Handling:
- Data handling though bar graphs and Venn diagrams, answering more complex questions.
Shape and Space:
- Complete work on Compass points and co-ordinates.
- Give and follow instructions using quarter, half and three quarter turns.
Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit, 22 Crebilly Road Ballymena BT42 4DN 028 2565 3902