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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Term 3 - The Final Countdown!

12th Apr 2018

April - May

The Final Countdown!!

 Where has the time gone? Terms one and two have flown by very quickly and we are now on the countdown to Primary 4! In this final P3 term the children will work hard as they prepare for the year ahead. We would greatly encourage you to continue supporting your child at home with homeworks which consolidate the learning being done in school.

Remember Sports Day is taking place a little earlier this year, the week beginning 23rd April.

World Around Us:

 Our theme is ‘By Land, By Sea, By Air' and within this we are going to discuss:

  • Transport - the different vehicles which move by land, sea and air.
  • Road safety - taking care as a pedestrian and following the Green Cross Code.
  • Transport in the past and some famous inventors.
  • Holidays - travelling to the seashore.
  • Comparing and constrasting holidays to the seashore now and in the past.
  • Animals and plants which inhabit our local seashore.
  • Hobbies - activities people do for fun on land, sea and in the air.

 Please send anything you think might ‘link-in’ with this – books, pictures etc.


 Number: This term we will be continuing to learn tables each night so children have quick recall of number facts up to 20. We are aiming to know our numbers to 100. We should be able to count to this number and recognise all numbers in written form. We will use little ‘word problems’ to help your child develop problem solving skills and decide whether to add or subtract to get the correct answer. Please help them with this at home by giving them little puzzles to work out for themselves.

Measuring Capacity: In measures we will do some activities involving weighing things (hopefully not the teachers!) and measuring liquids. They will become more familiar with terms like ‘heavier’ ‘lightest’ and ‘half-full’ ‘empty’. Check the website for pictures of the children playing at the water tray and carrying out investigations with a variety of containers.

 Shape and Space: We will recap on the 2D and 3D shapes learnt this year. The children will revise the names and properties of these shapes. They will also be able to identify and sort them in a variety of ways.

 Time: We have already learned how to tell the time using o'clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. The children have been taught how to read both analogue and digital times e.g. 6:30 and 8:00. Please encourage your child to read the time from a digital clock at home e.g. an alarm clock.


During this final term we will be encouraging the children to check their own written work for good sentences which make sense and which contain correct punctuation e.g. capital letters, full stops, question marks. Neat and tidy handwriting is essential as always in every piece of written work.

In Grammar, we continue to learn about recognising and using adjectives, nouns, verbs and adverbs. This term we will learn to recognise verbs in sentences. The children will be introduced to tenses (past, present and future) and how to use these in sentences. The children will work on plurals and compound words as well. You will see this learning as it comes home with the children on a Wednesday evening for homework!

Please continue to check your child is using these skills properly in their written homework.

As always, keep looking at our photo gallery for recent photos of what your child gets up to in school.

Thank-you for your continued support!

L. Kane and C. Montgomery