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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Wed 17th March - Get Caught Reading Day!

12th Mar 2021

St Patrick’s Day ‘Get Caught Reading’ Photo Challenge. Pupils who post the best photos in each class will win a book of their choice!

As it’s St Patrick’s Day, and a bank holiday, we are going to take a break from the normal Home Learning routine.

We would love you to post photographs of your child reading a book in a really unusual, clever or surprising place. The more bizarre and amazing the better! We know the children will enjoy being creative and we can’t wait to see what and where they have been ‘Caught out Reading.’

Ensure you take the photos in a sensible and safe way. If you can, add an amusing caption to your photo.

Afterwards post your photo on your class’s section of the ‘Home Learning’ page of the website and help get others talking about reading.

The pupil who posts the most unusual and innovative photo in each class will win a book of their choice. Prizes will be given out when we return to school.

We also want to encourage the children to set aside at least half an hour (preferably more!) in the day to simply read a book for pleasure. We would also encourage parents, and the rest of the family, to share the joy of getting lost in a good book with your children.

Have fun getting caught reading!