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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2019/2020 School Year

9th Oct 2019
Hello! We are the new Eco Committee! We are proudly sporting our new Eco Committee...
9th Oct 2019
Today Paul McMullan and Miss Kane presented Primary fours with their very own Bibles....
8th Oct 2019
The pupils are learning how to weave in art club.  They spent time setting up...
8th Oct 2019
The children were introduced the works of a famous Italian artist called Guiseppe...
8th Oct 2019
For the last 4 weeks we have been lucky to have had Jess and Simon from C4C in during...
7th Oct 2019
Today, we worked together to solve problems.  We revised the RUCSAC method and...
7th Oct 2019
In our WAU theme, hey hey look at me, we have been learning about the skeleton. In...
7th Oct 2019
We had an amazing time playing and learning on the apparatus last week. What a fun...
7th Oct 2019
It was a fun week of exercise in Primary 6, as the class also got to participate...
7th Oct 2019
The children had their first session with the PeacePlayers coaches and their friends...