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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit


2018/2019 School Year

18th Sep 2018
P6 pupils have been 'Dictionary Swordfighting!' This helps them to become more efficient...
18th Sep 2018
Yesterday afternoon Scripture Union club began again for the first time this year...
18th Sep 2018
Yesterday afternoon our Scripture Union club began again and we had a great first...
18th Sep 2018
In P5BE we have been reading 'Stig of the Dump'. The children have been thinking...
17th Sep 2018
We are beginning to look at the seven Elements of Art during our art lessons. ...
17th Sep 2018
We've been making sure that we understand the difference between parallel and perpendicular...
17th Sep 2018
We have started learning about 2D shapes in class. In groups, the children were given...
17th Sep 2018
In grammar the children have been revising nouns. There are a lot of different types...
14th Sep 2018
We have been learning to name and identify colours. This is an important skill for...