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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

Writing Week 3rd-7th April

9th Mar 2017
Writing Week 3rd-7th April

From 3rd to 7th April we are planning to have a Writing Focus week in school. Various events and activities are scheduled and more details will follow in due course. Some activities already planned are:

-Dress up as your favourite book character on Thurs 6th April

-Family story writing competition 

We hope that the whole family will become involved in this competition, details are being sent home with your child today regarding the rules and guidelines for the competition. No homework will be given during this time (except for reading) to allow families to concentrate on their stories!



The winner of each section of the competition will win a family pass to the local cinema.

The closing date for the competition is Fri 24th March.

Have fun and good luck!