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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Homepage

2017/2018 School Year

26th Sep 2017
We made apple crumble today with apples that Miss McGlaughlin had picked from her...
22nd Sep 2017
P7SG went on a 'Line Hunt' today.  We have been learning about parallel and...
21st Sep 2017
The children are now all well settled in nursery and are enjoying being busy and...
19th Sep 2017
This September we are hosting a MacMillan coffee morning for parents and staff. We...
18th Sep 2017
Last week the Betty Bus came to visit Ballykeel. The team were here to teach us all...
8th Sep 2017
We have started our theme 'Hey Look at Me'. As part of this we are creating a piece...
8th Sep 2017
Every Friday in P1 we have two children doing show and tell. Here are pictures of our...