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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 3

2018/2019 School Year

10th Apr 2019
Some of the boys and girls in P3LK had a lot to celebrate this week. It was lovely...
10th Apr 2019
This morning all of the children in the Nursery who attend breakfast club were awarded...
5th Apr 2019
This week P3 have been thinking a lot about Spring. We wrote acrostic poems about...
5th Apr 2019
On Monday we had a visit from Cancer Focus in which they explained to us how that...
4th Apr 2019
Are you ready to get fit and healthy for the Summer?!  The Jigsaw project along...
1st Apr 2019
April’s parent coffee morning will be all about Children’s Development....
1st Apr 2019
We have started our Easer preparations and are learning about the Easter story. We...
21st Mar 2019
This week we have all been practising our gymnastic skills using the apparatus in...
18th Mar 2019
Today the boys and girls really enjoyed using various types of apparatus in PE. The...
15th Mar 2019
The numbers attending Breakfast Club continue to rise. We had 97 children come along...