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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 2

2017/2018 School Year

19th Apr 2018
Today both P2 classes went outside to practise for sports day. We had fun doing the...
19th Apr 2018
We have been learning about the olden days. 
18th Apr 2018
Weather permitting, P1-P3 Sports Day is planned for Monday 23rd April. Children do...
22nd Mar 2018
We were delighted to be able to watch some girls from P1-P4 dancing for us today...
20th Mar 2018
Primary 2 enjoyed their last session at Mad 4 Maths by playing a wide variety of...
19th Mar 2018
We had lots of fun with Mo in the community centre. There was plenty of space to...
15th Mar 2018
Primary 2 used cubes and a large dice to practise their number bonds in Mad 4 Maths...
14th Mar 2018
We had a great time using the apparatus this afternoon. We were jumping, climbing,...
14th Mar 2018
Everyone really enjoyed using the PE apparatus. We hope we can have it out again...