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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 7

2017/2018 School Year

21st Feb 2018
Everyone had great fun taking part in the circuits, even though they were all exhausted...
19th Feb 2018
Today we had an exciting day in school with a visit from Christine McMahon a local...
9th Feb 2018
As part of our Hunger topic in World Around Us, we are reading Under the Hawthorn...
8th Feb 2018
Tuesday 6th February was Safer Internet Day. All our classes have been thinking about...
1st Feb 2018
We had to solve the problem in the photograph.  We managed to do it. Can you...
1st Feb 2018
The girls played extremely well today. They won they match with a score of 7-1. Abbie...
31st Jan 2018
The P7 classes have started reading a new novel called 'Under the Hawthorn Tree'....
30th Jan 2018
We've started this session by learning how to weave in circles.  Using wool,...
29th Jan 2018
This term in SUPERHERO club we are debating different issues using a loan box from...
29th Jan 2018
In both P7 classes we have been carrying out Problem Solving Activities. Last week...