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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 6

2016/2017 School Year

7th Dec 2016
  A date for your diary! Our annual carol service will be on Friday...
7th Dec 2016
IPad club runs on a Tuesday afternoon from 3pm-4pm for 12 P6 & P7 pupils. The...
7th Dec 2016
Art club is on a Wednesday afternoon and we have been very busy this term. We began...
6th Dec 2016
Well Done to the P6 and P7 children who came along to dressmaking club this term! ...
5th Dec 2016
As part of our 'Unsinkable' World Around Us topic, the two P6 classes visited the...
5th Dec 2016
During Term 1, the children in P6 were investigating how to measure length using...
1st Sep 2016
What's happening in Term 1? World Around Us Our World Around Us topic this term is...