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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Numeracy Support (Mrs McIlwaine)

2019/2020 School Year

19th Mar 2020
In this post your will find a series of videos showing how to access certain websites/programmes...
13th Mar 2020
P5 are learning how to calculate the perimeter of a shape. Jack was able to calculate...
6th Mar 2020
P6 have been working on types of angles and measuring angles. They used a geometry...
28th Feb 2020
P5 had to use their problem solving skills to provide 25 different designs for buckets...
14th Feb 2020
P6 have been learning how to convert units of measurement, estimate and to read...
7th Feb 2020
P5 are working on division as an equal share. Kaitlin, Catelyn, Alexis and Millie...
28th Jan 2020
In pairs the pupils were given the task to swap the position of the red counters...
20th Jan 2020
P5 had to apply their multiplication skills to solve a problem. Their task was to...
17th Jan 2020
In P6 many of the new topics in Maths depend on a quick recall of their table facts....
8th Jan 2020
P7 had a spiky problem. Their task was to find 28 numbers they could make using...