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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 6

2019/2020 School Year

19th Sep 2019
The pupils were working in the computer suite using Fronter to help them research...
19th Sep 2019
P6 were given the challenge to find the coordinates of three islands. To do this...
17th Sep 2019
Our first day at Code Club was very exciting as the children were all introduced...
13th Sep 2019
This week the children worked in groups during our first problem solving lesson of...
10th Sep 2019
the children had a fun afternoon complimenting each other. It is important that children...
6th Sep 2019
This week in English we designed, produced and wrote some postcards from destinations...
5th Sep 2019
So the boys and girls had their first P.E. Lessons of P6 and were surprised to hear...
4th Sep 2019
Primary 6, enjoyed reading a selection of postcards from faraway places.  We...
2nd Sep 2019
Awards were given to boys and girls from P2 - P7 who had full attendance last school...
30th Aug 2019
So the first few days of Primary 6 are over and everyone still seems to have a smile...