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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 5

2018/2019 School Year

15th Feb 2019
This week we have been revising our knowledge of 2D and 3D shape during one of our...
13th Feb 2019
On Tuesday our P5 friends from Saint Brigid’s joined us for a joint lesson...
13th Feb 2019
We have moved up a level in AR - Well done!
10th Feb 2019
This week we had our Internet Safety Day in P5A. The children learnt about the importance...
7th Feb 2019
On Friday 1st February the School Choir headed off to Grosvenor Grammar School, Belfast,...
7th Feb 2019
As part of our ‘Amazing Jesus’ programme, the children have been taking...
7th Feb 2019
Over the last few weeks, Rachel Sheppard and her team from Scripture Union have been...
30th Jan 2019
As part of our talking and listening lessons, we have been talking about what...
30th Jan 2019
Primary 5, enjoy learning about 3D shapes.
30th Jan 2019
P5 continue to work on problem solving.  They had to create a 24 leg potion...