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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 5

2018/2019 School Year

4th Sep 2018
P5,6 and 7 have been working on the value of each digit in a number. P5 can build...

2017/2018 School Year

29th Jun 2018
We can't believe another school year has come to an end. We have had a great year...
21st Jun 2018
Well, what can we say? Where do we even begin? All the staff in Ballykeel are so...
14th Jun 2018
Colin Tinsley will be in to run a Bible club for the children Monday 18th to...
13th Jun 2018
This term we have been learning about volcanoes. Here is Jessica and Hannah to explain...
13th Jun 2018
This morning we had a special assembly to award bronze, silver and gold certificates...
11th Jun 2018
Thank you to all parents who completed and returned the Mad 4 Maths questionnaires. ...
8th Jun 2018
Our class have a vegetable plot at the back of the school and all year we have been...
7th Jun 2018
Mad 4 Maths will finish today (Thursday 7th June) at 4pm for P5CC as so many of the...