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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Awards

2020/2021 School Year

29th Jun 2021
A big well done to all our class prize winners. The children have all worked...
28th Jun 2021
Big well done to our prize winners, they’ve worked so hard all year! Have a...
25th Jun 2021
Emeli is our role model this week for working hard to learn her tables and division...
25th Jun 2021
Leah is an excellent pupil. She is extremely hardworking and always tries her best....
25th Jun 2021
It was hard to choose just one role model this week, so we have 3! Joel - a super...
25th Jun 2021
Klara is our Role Model of the Month for her excellent behaviour and attitude towards...
25th Jun 2021
Cameron and Klay are our role models of the week. Cameron has made amazing progress...
25th Jun 2021
Our role model this week is Dylan. He is such a wonderful boy in class who has exemplary...
25th Jun 2021
Charis-Noelle is our role model this week as she is always enthusiastic. She takes...
25th Jun 2021
Hannah is our role model because she has been so helpful and encouraging of other...