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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Awards

2020/2021 School Year

18th Jun 2021
We have two role models in our class this week.    Yunus really enjoyed...
18th Jun 2021
Lucas is our role model this week. He is a great boy and has really impressed me...
18th Jun 2021
Our role model is Summer. Like her name, she is bright and cheerful and such a lovely...
18th Jun 2021
Myles and Zack are our Role Models of the Week. Myles has been working very hard...
18th Jun 2021
Gaby has done excellent work in division, ICT and creative writing this week. 
18th Jun 2021
This week our role model is Christian as he has been helping out in class, well done...
18th Jun 2021
This week we have 2 role models!  Harry is a great role model in our class as...
18th Jun 2021
Mason is our role model of the week in P5DH for his great team work and development...
18th Jun 2021
Eva, Ethan, Alex and Olaf got 4 in a row in their Friday tests today. Well done! 
17th Jun 2021
Our role model of the week for 11/06 was Kaitlin! Kaitlin worked very hard in her...