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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 5

2017/2018 School Year

7th Jun 2018
On Monday 4th June, two hockey teams went to Harryville Muga Pitches where we played...
6th Jun 2018
Primary 5  Have learnt the definition of volume How to calculate volume by...
5th Jun 2018
On Tuesday 5th June P5AR along with P5CC enjoyed meeting 2 local business people,...
4th Jun 2018
Today during Mad 4 Maths Primary 5 played a game called 'Slides and ladders'.  The...
4th Jun 2018
Mad 4 Maths will finish for P1KM and P5AR on Tuesday 12 June and for P1KH and P5CC...
31st May 2018
Primary 5 have been looking at instructional writing.  Today Jane made a jam...
31st May 2018
All of P1-P7 had a fantastic day of sporting fun in the sunshine with Coaching 4...
30th May 2018
Primary 5 have now moved on to look at imperative verbs in preparation for their...
30th May 2018
Primary 5 have enjoyed learning about two very famous artists Van Gogh and Picasso....
24th May 2018
Primary 5 have been looking at instructional writing.  They have become familiar...