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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Awards

2020/2021 School Year

30th Apr 2021
Our role model is Summer. She is a great girl to have in class. She always works...
30th Apr 2021
Our POM is Paige. Her behaviour in class is so good and she always works so hard....
30th Apr 2021
Keiva is our pupil of the week today for great work on digital time. Keiva is also...
23rd Apr 2021
Our Role Model this week is Zac.  He works hard in class and tries his best...
23rd Apr 2021
Cassie is our role model of the week for the excellent presentation of all her work....
23rd Apr 2021
Our role model this week is Emelia as she has been working really hard to get her...
23rd Apr 2021
Sophia is our Role Model of the Week.   We are so proud of Sophia. She has been...
23rd Apr 2021
Yasmin is our role model this week for her super diary writing. 
23rd Apr 2021
Jett is our Role Model of the Week. Jett is always very well behaved and works hard...
23rd Apr 2021
Benjamin is our Role Model this week. Benjamin has put a lot of work into fundraising...