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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Awards

2020/2021 School Year

7th May 2021
Jamie is our Role Model of the week.  He tries his best in class and has worked...
7th May 2021
Johnny is our Role Model of Week.   Johnny has been working extremely hard to...
7th May 2021
CJ is a great role model of the week because he is always kind and pleasant . He...
7th May 2021
Jayden is our role model of the week for the fantastic effort he has been putting...
7th May 2021
This week our Role Model is Rosie. She has really impressed me with her Creative...
7th May 2021
This week our role model is Riley. Riley was chosen due to his hard work in class...
7th May 2021
Sophia is our role model of the week in P5DH because she always tries her best with...
7th May 2021
Abigail has done lovely work in creative writing and is a very well behaved girl. 
7th May 2021
Jasmine is our role model of the week for always trying her best.  Her handwriting...
7th May 2021
Ella is our role model this week for excellent rounding work in numeracy. Well done...