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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Awards

2020/2021 School Year

27th Nov 2020
Reuben has a great understanding of function machines and has written some lovely...
27th Nov 2020
Skylar is our role model of the week as she is a hardworking girl and is making excellent...
27th Nov 2020
Daylin's handwriting has been so neat and he has been working very hard
20th Nov 2020
This week our Role Model is Mia. Mia is a great friend to everyone in the class....
20th Nov 2020
Leah - Really working very hard in class and great progression AR.
20th Nov 2020
Our role model of the week is Lexi as she always tries her best and answers lots...
20th Nov 2020
Hayden really is a fantastic girl to have in my class. She has a super attitude to...
20th Nov 2020
Daniel always puts 100% effort into everything and I am especially impressed by...
20th Nov 2020
Our Role Model this week is Charis-Noelle for working so hard in her spellings and...
20th Nov 2020
Beth - for working very hard in every task, excellent reading and her enthusiastic...