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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Awards

2020/2021 School Year

6th Nov 2020
George is our Role Model of the week.  George has made excellent progress with...
6th Nov 2020
Isla has fantastic understanding of mental maths games, is quick thinking and has...
3rd Nov 2020
Logan is our Pupil of the Month as he has settled really well into P5 and works very...
3rd Nov 2020
Jonas is our POM for October. He has worked so hard since we started in September....
3rd Nov 2020
Tommy-Lee is our pupil of the month as he has settled so well into Primary 2...
16th Oct 2020
Miley is our Role Model of the Week for being extremely kind and considerate to another...
16th Oct 2020
A great group of children who have worked hard on their spellings and tables. Layla...
16th Oct 2020
Grace is our Role Model this week. Earlier in the week Grace gave an excellent book...
16th Oct 2020
Katie - For always being such a pleasant and very helpful girl!
16th Oct 2020
Annie - for her very kind, gentle nature and always completing her work so very neatly.