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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Awards

2020/2021 School Year

9th Oct 2020
Izak is a hard working, sensible P4. His behaviour is excellent !
9th Oct 2020
Hannah has had a hardworking and enthusiastic attitude to all her work this week....
9th Oct 2020
Sophia's behaviour has been so good. She works hard in class and learns spellings...
9th Oct 2020
Eva has been doing wonderful work in Numeracy both in class and in her homeworks...
9th Oct 2020
This week our Role Model of the week is Cooper. Cooper is a hardworking and kind...
2nd Oct 2020
What a day for celebrating in our class! We won the Uniform award for September as...
2nd Oct 2020
This week the lovely Leah is the worthy Role Model of the Week. She is a fantastic...
2nd Oct 2020
Maggie is our Role Model of the Week as she has a great attitude to learning. ...
2nd Oct 2020
Role model of the week for P7H is Harmony-Grace.  Harmony-Grace is a talented...