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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 5

2021/2022 School Year

7th Apr 2022
In Power Hour, we have had a great 10 weeks. The children loved doing yoga, going...
1st Apr 2022
Well done to Poppy our pupil of the month
1st Apr 2022
Well done to Trey our role model for great work on his Slemish textile art.
1st Apr 2022
Riley is Role Model this week for working extremely hard and improving his spellings...
1st Apr 2022
Devon is our Pupil of the Month. Devon has worked extremely hard this month and her...
25th Mar 2022
Role model of the week this week is Reuben for his great work on spelling a fantastic...
25th Mar 2022
Ellie-Rose is our Role Model of the Week. Ellie-Rose has improved her concentration...
18th Mar 2022
Abigail is our Role Model of the Week. Abigail has worked really hard this week to...
18th Mar 2022
Well done to William for his great effort in all aspects of his work.⭐️
11th Mar 2022
Well done Zack for your mature and hardworking attitude to your work ⭐️