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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 5

2021/2022 School Year

7th Jan 2022
Well done to Bertie who is P5MA role model of the week for great work in formal multiplication.⭐️
7th Jan 2022
Gabriella has been working hard and producing an excellent standard of work, well...
17th Dec 2021
During the month of December the children in breakfast club have been doing a Christmas...
17th Dec 2021
Aaron is our pupil of the month for December because he is a super pupil and his...
17th Dec 2021
Lacey is our Pupil of the Month for December. Lacey is a very kind and thoughtful...
16th Dec 2021
Power Hour has been great fun this term in P5LM. We have taken part in drama, art...
13th Dec 2021
Sophie is our Role Model of the Week. Sophie has worked very hard this week and has...
11th Dec 2021
This week’s role model is Ella for her fantastic attitude to work. Her behaviour...
6th Dec 2021
Isla has worked extremely hard this term and gives her best to all that she does....
3rd Dec 2021
Mason Bane is our role model this week because he has worked so hard , especially...