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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 5

2021/2022 School Year

3rd Dec 2021
Joel has been working hard to learn his new spellings and has a super attitude to...
3rd Dec 2021
Well done to Ruben who is our pupil of the month ⭐️
30th Nov 2021
This year marks the centenary of Northern Ireland which was established in 1921....
26th Nov 2021
Kai is our role model this week. His behaviour has been excellent and he has continued...
26th Nov 2021
Reuben is Role Model this week because he is consistently working hard and giving...
19th Nov 2021
Well done to Jacob who is this week’s role model. Jacob is a very kind boy....
19th Nov 2021
Isabella is Role Model this week for using lots of kind words during Anti-Bullying...
12th Nov 2021
Zach has been working hard at his reading and taking more AR tests. Well done!
12th Nov 2021
Logan is this week's role model. He has made fantastic progress at the swimming pool...
5th Nov 2021
Lucy is role model this week because of her fantastic work during Power Hour. She...