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Ballykeel Primary School & Nursery Unit

News - Year 5

2021/2022 School Year

8th Oct 2021
Trey is role model this week because of his excellent results in class tests. He...
1st Oct 2021
Callum is our role model of the week. His behaviour is always excellent and he is...
1st Oct 2021
Yasmin is our Pupil of the Month because she always works so hard, especially in...
1st Oct 2021
Layla gives her best to everything that she does and has produced an excellent standard...
1st Oct 2021
Callum consistently produces an excellent standard of work and behaviour, well done...
24th Sep 2021
Emilie is our role model this week because her maths has been just excellent. Well...
24th Sep 2021
Cora is role model for persevering with her numeracy and producing excellent subtraction...
17th Sep 2021
Zack is this week’s role model. He is a very kind boy, especially when outside...
17th Sep 2021
Riley has been working extremely hard and producing excellent numeracy work .
10th Sep 2021
Christopher is persevering with his times tables and addition and producing WOW numeracy...